Concept: 10/10
Excellent concept. Probably brings the Metal Slug concept and makes it it 5 times better.
Graphics: 10/10
You gotta love DanPaladin's work here, it's so simple and cartoony and AWESOME.
Sound: 9/10
Cool music all around, and the sound of people dying is hilarious and fun to listen too, as is the sound of your blaster.
Playability: 9/10
Good control, easy to rapidly fire your gun. I did have a few issues with the jumping, though...
Entertainment: 10/10
Even if I didn't want to, I would have to rate this a 10. This game is just downright entertaining. I wouldn't change a thing, but if anything, I would make it so Hominid could take more hits than one, like, maybe 2 hits.
Overall: 10
A Classic. It's always fun to run around town shooting guys. Only improvements I would add would be the damage that Hominid can take. Otherwise, this game will always have a place here, of course.